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March 18, 2025by admin

April 10

Individuals: Reporting March tip income of $20 or more to employers (Form 4070).

April 15

Individuals: Filing a 2024 income tax return (Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR) or filing for an automatic six-month extension (Form 4868), and paying any tax due.

Individuals: Paying the first installment of 2025 estimated taxes, if not paying income tax through withholding (Form 1040-ES).

Individuals: Making 2024 contributions to a traditional IRA or Roth IRA (even if a 2024 income tax return extension is filed).

Individuals: Making 2024 contributions to a SEP or certain other retirement plans (unless a 2024 income tax return extension is filed).

Individuals: Filing a 2024 gift tax return (Form 709) or filing for an automatic six-month extension (Form 8892), and paying any gift tax due. Filing for an automatic six-month extension (Form 4868) to extend both Form 1040 and, if no gift tax is due, Form 709.

Household Employers: Filing Schedule H, if wages paid equal $2,300 or more in 2024 and Form 1040 isn’t required to be filed. For those filing Form 1040, Schedule H is to be submitted with the return and is thus extended to the due date of the return.

Tax Exempt Orgs: Deposit Estimated Tax for 1st quarter due on Unrelated Business Taxable Income for Tax-Exempt Organizations. Use Form 990-W to determine the amount of estimated tax payments required.

Trusts and Estates: Filing an income tax return for the 2024 calendar year (Form 1041) or filing for an automatic five-and-a-half month extension to October 1 (Form 7004), and paying any income tax due.

Corporations: Filing a 2024 income tax return (Form 1120) or filing for an automatic six-month extension (Form 7004), and paying any tax due.

Corporations: Paying the first installment of 2025 estimated income taxes.


March 18, 2025by admin

Prior to the enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), businesses were able to claim a tax deduction for most business-related interest expense. The TCJA created Section 163(j), which generally limits deductions of business interest, with certain exceptions.

If your business has significant interest expense, it’s important to understand the impact of the deduction limit on your tax bill. The good news is there may be ways to soften the tax bite in 2025.

The nuts and bolts

Unless your company is exempt from Sec. 163(j), your maximum business interest deduction for the tax year equals the sum of:

  • 30% of your company’s adjusted taxable income (ATI),
  • Your company’s business interest income, if any, and
  • Your company’s floor plan financing interest, if any.

Assuming your company doesn’t have significant business interest income or floor plan financing interest expense, the deduction limitation is roughly equal to 30% of ATI.

Your company’s ATI is its taxable income, excluding:

  • Nonbusiness income, gain, deduction or loss,
  • Business interest income or expense,
  • Net operating loss deductions, and
  • The 20% qualified business income deduction for pass-through entities.

When Sec. 163(j) first became law, ATI was computed without regard to depreciation, amortization or depletion. But for tax years beginning after 2021, those items are subtracted in calculating ATI, shrinking business interest deductions for companies with significant depreciable assets.

Deductions disallowed under Sec. 163(j) may be carried forward indefinitely and treated as business interest expense paid or accrued in future tax years. In subsequent tax years, the carryforward amount is applied as if it were incurred in that year, and the limitation for that year will determine how much of the disallowed interest can be deducted. There are special rules for applying the deduction limit to pass-through entities, such as partnerships, S corporations and limited liability companies that are treated as partnerships for tax purposes.

Small businesses are exempt from the business interest deduction limit. These are businesses whose average annual gross receipts for the preceding three tax years don’t exceed a certain threshold. (There’s an exception if the business is treated as a “tax shelter.”) To prevent larger businesses from splitting themselves into small entities to qualify for the exemption, certain related businesses must aggregate their gross receipts for purposes of the threshold.

Ways to avoid the limit

Some real estate and farming businesses can opt out of the business interest deduction limit and therefore avoid it or at least reduce its impact. Real estate businesses include those that engage in real property development, redevelopment, construction, reconstruction, acquisition, conversion, rental, operation, management, leasing or brokerage.

Remember that opting out of the interest deduction limit comes at a cost. If you do so, you must reduce depreciation deductions for certain business property by using longer recovery periods. To determine whether opting out will benefit your business, you’ll need to weigh the tax benefit of unlimited interest deductions against the tax cost of lower depreciation deductions.

Another tax-reduction strategy is capitalizing interest expense. Capitalized interest isn’t treated as interest for purposes of the Sec. 163(j) deduction limit. The tax code allows businesses to capitalize certain overhead costs, including interest, related to the acquisition or production of property.

Interest capitalized to equipment or other fixed assets can be recovered over time through depreciation, while interest capitalized to inventory can be deducted as part of the cost of goods sold. We can crunch the numbers to determine which strategy would provide a better tax advantage for your business.

You also may be able to mitigate the impact of the deduction limit by reducing your interest expense. For example, you might rely more on equity than debt to finance your business or pay down debts when possible. Or you could generate interest income (for example, by extending credit to customers) to offset some interest expense.

Weigh your options

Unfortunately, the business interest deduction limitation isn’t one of the many provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act scheduled to expire at the end of 2025. But it’s possible Congress could act to repeal the limitation or alleviate its impact. If your company is affected by the business interest deduction limitation, contact us to discuss the impact on your tax bill. We can help assess what’s right for your situation.


March 18, 2025by admin

As a business owner, you may be eligible to claim home office tax deductions that will reduce your taxable income. However, it’s crucial to understand the IRS rules to ensure compliance and avoid potential IRS audit risks. There are two methods for claiming this tax break: the actual expense method and the simplified method. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the tax break.

Who qualifies?

In general, you qualify for home office deductions if part of your home is used “regularly and exclusively” as your principal place of business.

If your home isn’t your principal place of business, you may still be able to deduct home office expenses if:

  1. You physically meet with patients, clients or customers on your premises, or
  2. You use a storage area in your home (or a separate free-standing structure, such as a garage) exclusively and regularly for business.

What expenses can you deduct?

Many eligible taxpayers deduct actual expenses when they claim home office deductions. Deductible home office expenses may include:

  • Direct expenses, such as the cost of painting and carpeting a room used exclusively for business,
  • A proportionate share of indirect expenses, including mortgage interest, rent, property taxes, utilities, repairs, maintenance and insurance,
  • Security system if applicable to your business, and
  • Depreciation.

But keeping track of actual expenses can take time and requires organized recordkeeping.

How does the simplified method work?

Fortunately, there’s a simplified method: You can deduct $5 for each square foot of home office space, up to a maximum of $1,500.

The cap can make the simplified method less valuable for larger home office spaces. Even for small spaces, taxpayers may qualify for larger deductions using the actual expense method. So, tracking your actual expenses can be worth it.

Can you change methods?

You’re not stuck with a particular method when claiming home office deductions. For instance, you might choose the actual expense method on your 2024 return, use the simplified method when you file your 2025 return next year and then switch back to the actual expense method for 2026. The choice is yours.

What if you sell your home?

If you sell — at a profit — a home on which you claimed home office deductions, there may be tax implications. We can explain them to you.

Also, be aware that the amount of your home office deductions is subject to limitations based on the income attributable to your use of the office. Other rules and limits may apply. However, any home office expenses that you can’t deduct because of these limitations can be carried over and deducted in later years.

Do employees qualify?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act suspended the business use of home office deductions through the end of 2025 for employees. Those who receive paychecks or Form W-2s aren’t eligible for deductions, even if they’re currently working from home because their employers require them to and don’t provide office space.

Home office tax deductions can provide valuable tax savings for business owners, but they must be claimed correctly. We can help you determine if you’re eligible and how to proceed.


March 18, 2025by admin

If an individual taxpayer has substantial business losses, unfavorable federal income tax rules can potentially come into play. Here’s what you need to know as you assess your 2024 tax situation.

Disallowance rule

The tax rules can get complicated if your business or rental activity throws off a tax loss — and many do during the early years. First, the passive activity loss (PAL) rules may apply if you aren’t very involved in the business or if it’s a rental activity. The PAL rules generally only allow you to deduct passive losses to the extent you have passive income from other sources. However, you can deduct passive losses that have been disallowed in previous years (called suspended PALs) when you sell the activity or property that produced the suspended losses.

If you successfully clear the hurdles imposed by the PAL rules, you face another hurdle: You can’t deduct an excess business loss in the current year. For 2024, an excess business loss is the excess of your aggregate business losses over $305,000 ($610,000 for married joint filers). For 2025, the thresholds are $313,000 and $626,000, respectively. An excess business loss is carried over to the following tax year and can be deducted under the rules for net operating loss (NOL) carryforwards explained below.

Deducting NOLs

You generally can’t use an NOL carryover, including one from an excess business loss, to shelter more than 80% of your taxable income in the carryover year. Also, NOLs generally can’t be carried back to an earlier tax year. They can only be carried forward and can be carried forward indefinitely. The requirement that an excess business loss must be carried forward as an NOL forces you to wait at least one year to get any tax-saving benefit from it.

Example 1: Taxpayer has a partial deductible business loss

David is unmarried. In 2024, he has an allowable loss of $400,000 from his start-up AI venture that he operates as a sole proprietorship.

Although David has no other income or losses from business activities, he has $500,000 of income from other sources (salary, interest, dividends, capital gains and so forth).

David has an excess business loss for the year of $95,000 (the excess of his $400,000 AI venture loss over the $305,000 excess business loss disallowance threshold for 2024 for an unmarried taxpayer). David can deduct the first $305,000 of his loss against his income from other sources. The $95,000 excess business loss is carried forward to his 2025 tax year and treated as part of an NOL carryover to that year.

Variation: If David’s 2024 business loss is $305,000 or less, he can deduct the entire loss against his income from other sources because he doesn’t have an excess business loss.

Example 2: Taxpayers aren’t affected by the disallowance rule

Nora and Ned are married and file tax returns jointly. In 2024, Nora has an allowable loss of $350,000 from rental real estate properties (after considering the PAL rules).

Ned runs a small business that’s still in the early phase of operations. He runs the business as a single-member LLC that’s treated as a sole proprietorship for tax purposes. For 2024, the business incurs a $150,000 tax loss.

Nora and Ned have no income or losses from other business or rental activities, but they have $600,000 of income from other sources.

They don’t have an excess business loss because their combined losses are $500,000. That amount is below the $610,000 excess business loss disallowance threshold for 2024 for married joint filers. So, they’re unaffected by the disallowance rule. They can use their $500,000 business loss to shelter income from other sources.

Partnerships, LLCs and S corporations

The excess business loss disallowance rule is applied at the owner level for business losses from partnerships, S corporations and LLCs treated as partnerships for tax purposes. Each owner’s allocable share of business income, gain, deduction, or loss from these pass-through entities is taken into account on the owner’s Form 1040 for the tax year that includes the end of the entity’s tax year.

The best way forward

As you can see, business losses can be complex. Contact us if you have questions or want more information about the best strategies for your situation.


March 18, 2025by admin

Businesses in certain industries employ service workers who receive tips as a large part of their compensation. These businesses include restaurants, hotels and salons. Compliance with federal and state tax regulations is vital if your business has employees who receive tips.

Are tips becoming tax-free?

During the campaign, President Trump promised to end taxes on tips. While the proposal created buzz among employees and some business owners, no legislation eliminating taxes on tips has been passed. For now, employers should continue to follow the existing IRS rules until the law changes — if it does. Unless legal changes are enacted, the status quo remains in effect.

With that in mind, here are answers to questions about the current rules.

How are tips defined?

Tips are optional and can be cash or noncash. Cash tips are received directly from customers. They can also be electronically paid tips distributed to employees by employers and tips received from other employees in tip-sharing arrangements. Workers must generally report cash tips to their employers. Noncash tips are items of value other than cash. They can include tickets, passes or other items that employees receive from customers. Workers don’t have to report noncash tips to employers.

Four factors determine whether a payment qualifies as a tip for tax purposes:

  1. The customer voluntarily makes a payment,
  2. The customer has an unrestricted right to determine the amount,
  3. The payment isn’t negotiated with, or dictated by, employer policy, and
  4. The customer generally has a right to determine who receives the payment.

There are more relevant definitions. A direct tip occurs when an employee receives it directly from a customer (even as part of a tip pool). Directly tipped employees include wait staff, bartenders and hairstylists. An indirect tip occurs when an employee who normally doesn’t receive tips receives one. Indirectly tipped employees can include bussers, service bartenders, cooks and salon shampooers.

What records need to be kept?

Tipped workers must keep daily records of the cash tips they receive. To do so, they can use Form 4070A, Employee’s Daily Record of Tips. It’s found in IRS Publication 1244.

Workers should also keep records of the dates and values of noncash tips. The IRS doesn’t require workers to report noncash tips to employers, but they must report them on their tax returns.

How must employees report tips to employers?

Employees must report tips to employers by the 10th of the month after the month they were received. The IRS doesn’t require workers to use a particular form to report tips. However, a worker’s tip report generally should include the:

  • Employee’s name, address, Social Security number and signature,
  • Employer’s name and address,
  • Month or period covered, and
  • Total tips received during the period.

Note: If an employee’s monthly tips are less than $20, there’s no requirement to report them to his or her employer. However, they must be included as income on his or her tax return.

Are there other employer requirements?

Yes. Send each employee a Form W-2 that includes reported tips. In addition, employers must:

  • Keep employees’ tip reports.
  • Withhold taxes, including income taxes and the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes, based on employees’ wages and reported tip income.
  • Pay the employer share of Social Security and Medicare taxes based on the total wages paid to tipped employees as well as reported tip income.
  • Report this information to the IRS on Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return.
  • Deposit withheld taxes in accordance with federal tax deposit requirements.

In addition, “large” food or beverage establishments must file another annual report. Form 8027, Employer’s Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips, discloses receipts and tips.

What’s the tip tax credit?

Suppose you’re an employer with tipped workers providing food and beverages. In that case, you may qualify for a valuable federal tax credit involving the Social Security and Medicare taxes you pay on employees’ tip income.

How should employers proceed?

Running a business with tipped employees involves more than just providing good service. It requires careful adherence to wage and hour laws, thorough recordkeeping, accurate reporting and an awareness of changing requirements. While President Trump’s pledge to end taxes on tips hasn’t yet materialized into law, stay alert for potential changes. In the meantime, continue meeting all current requirements to ensure compliance. Contact us for guidance about your situation.


February 6, 2025by admin

A variety of tax-related limits that affect businesses are indexed annually based on inflation. Many have increased for 2025, but with inflation cooling, the increases aren’t as great as they have been in the last few years. Here are some amounts that may affect you and your business.

2025 deductions as compared with 2024

  • Section 179 expensing:
    • Limit: $1.25 million (up from $1.22 million)
    • Phaseout: $3.13 million (up from $3.05 million)
    • Sec. 179 expensing limit for certain heavy vehicles: $31,300 (up from $30,500)
  • Standard mileage rate for business driving: 70 cents per mile (up from 67 cents)
  • Income-based phaseouts for certain limits on the Sec. 199A qualified business income deduction begin at:
    • Married filing jointly: $394,600 (up from $383,900)
    • Other filers: $197,300 (up from $191,950)

Retirement plans in 2025 vs. 2024

  • Employee contributions to 401(k) plans: $23,500 (up from $23,000)
  • Catch-up contributions to 401(k) plans: $7,500 (unchanged)
  • Catch-up contributions to 401(k) plans for those age 60, 61, 62 or 63: $11,250 (not available in 2024)
  • Employee contributions to SIMPLEs: $16,500 (up from $16,000)
  • Catch-up contributions to SIMPLEs: $3,500 (unchanged)
  • Catch-up contributions to SIMPLE plans for those age 60, 61, 62 or 63: $5,250 (not available in 2024)
  • Combined employer/employee contributions to defined contribution plans (not including catch-ups): $70,000 (up from $69,000)
  • Maximum compensation used to determine contributions: $350,000 (up from $345,000)
  • Annual benefit for defined benefit plans: $280,000 (up from $275,000)
  • Compensation defining a highly compensated employee: $160,000 (up from $155,000)
  • Compensation defining a “key” employee: $230,000 (up from $220,000)

Social Security tax

Cap on amount of employees’ earnings subject to Social Security tax for 2025: $176,100 (up from $168,600 in 2024).

Other employee benefits this year vs. last year

  • Qualified transportation fringe-benefits employee income exclusion: $325 per month (up from $315)
  • Health Savings Account contribution limit:
    • Individual coverage: $4,300 (up from $4,150)
    • Family coverage: $8,550 (up from $8,300)
    • Catch-up contribution: $1,000 (unchanged)
  • Flexible Spending Account contributions:
    • Health care: $3,300 (up from $3,200)
    • Health care FSA rollover limit (if plan permits): $660 (up from $640)
    • Dependent care: $5,000 (unchanged)

Potential upcoming tax changes

These are only some of the tax limits and deductions that may affect your business, and additional rules may apply. But there’s more to keep in mind. With President Trump back in the White House and the Republicans controlling Congress, several tax policy changes have been proposed and could potentially be enacted in 2025. For example, Trump has proposed lowering the corporate tax rate (currently 21%) and eliminating taxes on overtime pay, tips, and Social Security benefits. These and other potential changes could have wide-ranging impacts on businesses and individuals. It’s important to stay informed. Consult with us if you have questions about your situation.


February 6, 2025by admin

The nationwide price of gas is slightly higher than it was a year ago and the 2025 optional standard mileage rate used to calculate the deductible cost of operating an automobile for business has also gone up. The IRS recently announced that the 2025 cents-per-mile rate for the business use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck is 70 cents. In 2024, the business cents-per-mile rate was 67 cents per mile. This rate applies to gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles as well as electric and hybrid-electric vehicles.

The process of calculating rates

The 3-cent increase from the 2024 rate goes along with the recent price of gas. On January 17, 2025, the national average price of a gallon of regular gas was $3.11, compared with $3.08 a year earlier, according to AAA Fuel Prices. However, the standard mileage rate is calculated based on all the costs involved in driving a vehicle — not just the price of gas.

The business cents-per-mile rate is adjusted annually. It’s based on an annual study commissioned by the IRS about the fixed and variable costs of operating a vehicle, including gas, maintenance, repairs and depreciation. Occasionally, if there’s a substantial change in average gas prices, the IRS will change the cents-per-mile rate midyear.

Standard rate or real expenses

Businesses can generally deduct the actual expenses attributable to business use of a vehicle. These include gas, oil, tires, insurance, repairs, licenses and vehicle registration fees. In addition, you can claim a depreciation allowance for the vehicle. However, in many cases, certain limits apply to depreciation write-offs on vehicles that don’t apply to other types of business assets.

The cents-per-mile rate is beneficial if you don’t want to keep track of actual vehicle-related expenses. With this method, you don’t have to account for all your actual expenses. However, you still must record certain information, such as the mileage for each business trip, the date and the destination.

Using the cents-per-mile rate is also popular with businesses that reimburse employees for business use of their personal vehicles. These reimbursements can help attract and retain employees who drive their personal vehicles a great deal for business purposes. Why? Under current law, employees can’t deduct unreimbursed employee business expenses, such as business mileage, on their own income tax returns.

If you do use the cents-per-mile rate, keep in mind that you must comply with various rules. If you don’t comply, the reimbursements could be considered taxable wages to the employees.

When you can’t use the standard rate

There are some cases when you can’t use the cents-per-mile rate. It partly depends on how you’ve claimed deductions for the same vehicle in the past. In other situations, it depends on if the vehicle is new to your business this year or whether you want to take advantage of certain first-year depreciation tax breaks on it.

As you can see, there are many factors to consider in deciding whether to use the standard mileage rate to deduct vehicle expenses. We can help if you have questions about tracking and claiming such expenses in 2025 — or claiming 2024 expenses on your 2024 income tax return.


February 6, 2025by admin

New and used “heavy” SUVs, pickups and vans placed in service in 2025 are potentially eligible for big first-year depreciation write-offs. One requirement is you must use the vehicle more than 50% for business. If your business usage is between 51% and 99%, you may be able to deduct that percentage of the cost in the first year. The write-off will reduce your federal income tax bill and your self-employment tax bill, if applicable. You might get a state tax income deduction too.

Setting up a business office in your home for this year can also help you collect tax savings. Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of combining these two tax breaks.

First, buy a suitably heavy vehicle

The generous first-year depreciation deal is only available for an SUV, pickup, or van with a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) above 6,000 pounds that’s purchased (not leased). First-year depreciation deductions for lighter vehicles are subject to smaller depreciation limits of up to $20,400 in 2024. (The 2025 amount hasn’t come out yet.)

It’s not hard to find attractive vehicles with GVWRs above the 6,000-pound threshold. Examples include the Cadillac Escalade, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Chevy Tahoe, Ford Explorer, Lincoln Navigator, and many full-size pickups. You can usually find the GVWR on a label on the inside edge of the driver’s side door.

Take advantage of generous depreciation deductions

Favorable depreciation rules apply to heavy SUVs, pickups and vans that are used over 50% for business because they’re classified as transportation equipment for federal income tax purposes. Three factors to keep in mind:

  • First-year Section 179 deductions. Many businesses can write off most or all of the business-use portion of a heavy vehicle’s cost in year 1 under the Section 179 deduction privilege. The maximum Sec. 179 deduction for tax years beginning in 2024 is $1.25 million.
  • Limited Sec. 179 deductions for heavy SUVs. There’s a limit on Sec. 179 deductions for heavy SUVs with GVWRs between 6,001 and 14,000 pounds. For tax years beginning in 2025, the limit is $31,300.
  • First-year bonus depreciation. For heavy vehicles placed in service in 2025, the first-year bonus depreciation percentage is currently 40%, but future legislation may allow a bigger write-off. There are several limitations on Sec. 179 deductions but no limits on 40% bonus depreciation. So, bonus depreciation can help offset the impact of Sec. 179 limitations, if applicable.

Then, qualify for home office deductions

Again, the favorable first-year depreciation rules are only allowed if you use your heavy SUV, pickup, or van over 50% for business.

You’re much more likely to pass the over-50% test if you have an office in your home that qualifies as your principal place of business. Then, all the commuting mileage from your home office to temporary work locations, such as client sites, is considered business mileage. The same is true for mileage between your home office and any other regular place of business, such as another office you keep. This is also the case for mileage between your other regular place of business and temporary work locations.

Bottom line: When your home office qualifies as a principal place of business, you can easily rack up plenty of business miles. That makes passing the over-50%-business-use test for your heavy vehicle much easier.

How do you make your home office your principal place of business? The first way is to conduct most of your income-earning activities there. The second way is to conduct administrative and management chores there. But don’t make substantial use of any other fixed location (like another office) for these chores.

Key points: You must use the home office space regularly and exclusively for business throughout the year. Also, if you’re employed by your own corporation (as opposed to being self-employed), you can’t deduct home office expenses under the current federal income tax rules.

Double tax break

You can potentially claim generous first-year depreciation deductions for heavy business vehicles and also claim home office deductions. The combination can result in major tax savings. Contact us if you have questions or want more information about this strategy.


February 6, 2025by admin

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate continues to be historically low, ranging from 4.0% to 4.3% from May to November of 2024. With today’s hiring challenges, business owners should be aware that the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is available to employers that hire workers from targeted groups who face significant barriers to employment. The tax credit is generally worth as much as $2,400 for each eligible employee (higher for certain veterans and “long-term family assistance recipients”). It’s generally limited to eligible employees who begin working for the employer before January 1, 2026.

To satisfy a requirement of the WOTC, a pre-screening notice must be completed by the job applicant and the employer on or before the day a job offer is made. This is done by filing Form 8850, Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request for the Work Opportunity Credit.

The targeted groups

An employer is eligible for the credit only for qualified wages paid to a member of a targeted group. These groups are:

  1. Qualified IV-A recipients who are members of families receiving assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program,
  2. Qualified veterans,
  3. Qualified ex-felons,
  4. Designated community residents,
  5. Vocational rehabilitation referrals,
  6. Qualified summer youth employees,
  7. Qualified members of families in the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP),
  8. Qualified Supplemental Security Income recipients,
  9. Long-term family assistance recipients, and
  10. Qualified long-term unemployed individuals.

Details to qualify

To qualify for the credit, there are a number of requirements. For example, each employee must have completed at least 120 hours of service in their first year of service for the employer. Also, the credit isn’t available for certain employees who are related to or who previously worked for the employer.

There are different rules and credit amounts for certain employees. The maximum credit available for first-year wages is generally $2,400 for each employee, $4,000 for long-term family assistance recipients, and $4,800, $5,600 or $9,600 for certain veterans. Additionally, for long-term family assistance recipients, there’s a 50% credit for up to $10,000 of second-year wages, resulting in a total maximum credit over two years of $9,000.

For summer youth employees, the wages must be paid for services performed during any 90-day period between May 1 and September 15. The maximum credit available for summer youth employees is $1,200 per employee.

A win for you and your employees

In some cases, employers may elect not to claim the WOTC. In limited circumstances, the rules may prohibit the credit or require allocating it. However, the credit can be advantageous for most employers hiring from targeted groups — and it can result in jobs for those who need them. Contact us with questions or for more information about your situation.


January 10, 2025by admin

February 10

Individuals: Reporting January tip income, $20 or more, to employers (Form 4070).

Employers: Reporting income tax withholding and FICA taxes for fourth quarter 2024 (Form 941) and filing a 2024 return for federal unemployment taxes (Form 940), if you deposited on time and in full all of the associated taxes due.

February 18

Businesses: Providing Form 1099-B, 1099-S and certain Forms 1099-MISC (those in which payments in Box 8 or Box 10 are being reported) to recipients.

Individuals: Filing a new Form W-4 to continue exemption for another year, if you claimed exemption from federal income tax withholding in 2024.

February 28

Businesses: Filing Form 1098, Form 1099 (other than those with a February 1 or February 16 deadline) and Form W-2G and transmittal Form 1096 for interest, dividends and miscellaneous payments made during 2024. (Electronic filers can defer filing to March 31.)