January 15, 2020
Estimated quarterly payments
Say a final goodbye to 2019. The fourth (and final) estimated quarterly tax payment for the previous tax year is due today.
Note: Individuals, you do not have to file this payment due on January 15, 2020—so long as you file your 2019 tax return by January 31, 2020 and pay the remaining balance owed with your return (see Form 1040-ES for details).
January 31, 2020
Form W-2 filing deadline
If you have employees, you’ll need to fill out two copies of Form W-2 for each one.
One W-2 must be submitted to the IRS. The other must be sent to the employee. The deadline for both is January 31, 2020.
Form 1099-MISC Copy A filing deadline
If you work with independent contractors, the new January 31 filing deadline also applies to certain types of 1099s.
The IRS explains. But, in short: If you are filing a Form 1099-MISC and reporting amounts in Box 7, this deadline applies to you.
Copy A must be filed with the IRS by this date. Copy B must be furnished to the contractor no later than February 15, 2020.
If you don’t have amounts in Box 7 on your Form 1099, February 28 is the deadline for paper filing, or April 1 for electronic filing.